United Methodist Church

Whatever you believe or doubt,
whatever you have done or failed to do,
whatever your story or experience of
being human in this world,
and whomever you love,
you are welcome here.

Good Shepherd

United Methodist Church

Whatever you believe or doubt,
whatever you have done or failed to do,
whatever your story or experience of
being human in this world,
and whomever you love,
you are welcome here.

Return to love.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. We are marked with ashes in the shape of the cross as a sign of our intention to return to God, to return to the love in which we live and move and have our being. Still, the cross-shaped marking with ashes is just that: an intention. So, how are you going to return to God? Only you can answer that question for yourself. Join us on this sacred journey of return!


